VMware VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle without Aria Automation Did you know that you can download VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle without Aria Automation ISOs embedded?
vExpert Creating a Packer Container for an Image Factory How to create a simple Docker container for executing HashiCorp Packer builds
vExpert Creating a simple Docker host using Photon OS and VMware Aria Automation This post goes through the creation of a standalone Docker host based on Photon OS. Then it gets turned in to a catalog item for Aria Automation.
Personal Ch...ch...ch...changes! Lots of people have been changing roles and employers in my Twitter and LinkedIn feeds lately. My time is coming...
vExpert Monitoring Chrony with Grafana and Telegraf How to setup Telegraf, InfluxDB and Grafana to provide remote Chrony time server monitoring
vExpert Replacing CentOS NTP servers with Photon and Chrony One of the CentOS 8 time servers in the homelab let me down recently, so I decided to replace it with Photon OS and Chrony
UniFi Fixed: UniFi Network Application Not Starting After Firmware Upgrade How I managed to solve an issue with starting the UniFi Network Application after a firmware update on my homelab's UDM Pro
vExpert Fixing VMware Identity Manager Network Properties Precheck Error If you're trying to upgrade VMware Identity Manager and are warned that network properties are missing then this article may help you.
vExpert Creating HTML email templates for vRealize Automation Code Stream How to create an HTML formatted email template for use in a vRealize Automation Code Stream pipeline
HomeLab How to get BGP working on a UniFi Dream Machine Pro BGP isn't available natively on the UniFi Dream Machine Pro, but there is a way. This post explains how.
vExpert HashiCorp Vault KV v2 Lookups from Ansible AWX This post explains how to perform HashiCorp Vault KV v2 secret lookups from Ansible AWX
vExpert SSL Validation in Python Virtual Environments for HashiCorp Vault lookups in Ansible AWX When using a Python virtual environment (venv) and HVAC to perform HashiCorp Vault lookups from Ansible, you may run in to SSL verification errors.
vRO vRO SecureString vs EncryptedString What's the difference between a SecureString and an EncryptedString in vRealize Orchestrator (vRO)? This post explains it.
VMware Cloudbase-Init with vRealize Automation and vSphere - No CD Drive! This article explains how to use Cloudbase-Init with vRealize Automation and vSphere without requiring a CD drive in every Windows VM.
HashiCorp Automating the installation of Cloudbase-Init in Windows templates using Packer A brief post that provides some PowerShell commands to install Cloudbase-Init in a Windows Server image produced by Packer
Windows Installing Cloudbase-Init on Windows for vRA Customisation A brief guide to installing Cloudbase-Init in a VMware vSphere VM template to use with vRealize Automation 8
CentOS Cloud-Init with vRealize Automation and vSphere - No CD Drive! This article explains how to use Cloud-Init with vRealize Automation and vSphere without requiring a CD drive in every VM.
TIL TIL (#2): vSphere Tagging Best Practices Study Today I Learned (TIL) #2: That there is a performance study paper available around vSphere tagging.
TIL TIL (#1): Microsoft KMS Client Setup Keys Today I Learned (TIL) #1: You can use Microsoft's KMS client setup keys in your Packer builds and replace the key later on after cloning the template.
Retrospective Personal Retrospective - February 2021 My first personal retrospective, February 2021. Includes customer work, vExpert, OCTO and more!
vRA Automatic Deployment Names in vRA 8.x How to make vRealize Automation (vRA) deployment names unique without having to bother users with entering one
General The importance of applying software updates Are we conditioned by our smart phones to assume that security is taken care of automatically? When it comes to business and enterprise software it's best to stay on top of updates.
vRA Featured vRealize Automation (vRA) 8.3 GA vRealize Automation 8.3 is out. There are a number of exciting changes included. These are my top picks from them.
AWS How to Migrate Vault Auto-Unseal to AWS KMS With an AWS KMS key defined, migrating an existing Vault installation from using Shamir keys to AWS KMS auto-unseal requires only a few steps to complete.