vOPS Server Explorer - New Feature Released
vKernel have released a number of free tools over the years and their acquisition by Quest Software last year hasn't stopped them.
Today vKernel have released a new version of their vOPS Server Explorer product that has integrated their SearchMyVM tool. So, not only can you have the health of your virtual infrastructure monitored, it's now easier to search too.
vOPS Server Explorer is a virtual appliance that collects metrics from VMs in a virtual infrastructure. These metrics are analysed so that the performance, capacity and efficiency health of all VMs, datastores and hosts in the environment can be visualised. The SearchMyVM component indexes virtual machines, hosts, clusters, resource pools, files, snapshots, VMware tools, applications, and configuration information. Ad-hoc search terms can be entered to create specialised queries. Take a look at the screenshots below to see some of the new functionality in action.
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Alex Rosemblat – Product Marketing Manager at vKernel – has also put together a quick video that demonstrates the new search features:
vOPS Server Explorer can be downloaded from vKernel's website. The free version can be upgraded to a trial version of vOPS Server Explorer Standard edition which will allow you to gain more detail on discovered performance issues and also aid you with resolution of those issues.
When I get to spend some time with my lab in the next few weeks I'll be putting vOPS Server through its paces for sure.