Get Your Homelab in the Clouds with AutoLab
Since we have a small but significant following of people who run home labs here on vSpecialist, I thought I'd mention a limited offer that may be of interest.
If you're not familiar with AutoLab, it's designed to produce a nested vSphere 5.1, 5.0 or 4.1 lab environment with minimum effort. Prebuilt Open Source VMs and the shell of other VMs are used along with automation for the installation of operating systems and applications into these VMs with the end result being a useful home lab that you can stand up from scratch in a short amount of time.
Anyway, it's possible to get an AutoLab setup and running in the cloud and BareMetalCloud actually offer it as a service. Mike Laverick has some discount codes available (use MAGICMIKE100) to the first 100 people to take up the service. Check out his post on the topic for more details and help on getting started.