VCP-NV: Getting Started

So, you’ve decided to take the VCP-NV exam that VMware launched just recently. If you haven’t been living and breathing VMware NSX for the past few months, you’re probably going to need to do some preparation so that you don’t waste the exam fee. Even if you’re an expert, it’s sensible to at least look over the blueprint first and make sure that you have all of the bases covered.

Either way, if you want to get this certification then there are three routes that you can take to do it.

1. You’re new to VMware certification

Before you can earn the certification, you MUST attend the VMware NSX: Install, Configure and Manage course. Then to earn the VCP-NV certification, simply register for and pass the VCPN610 exam.

2. You have any other valid VCP certification

VMware recently implemented a recertification policy. It may change over time (or go away completely) but you need to check and see if your existing VCP is still valid. If it isn’t then you need to go back to option 1.

There are optional courses that you can take but to earn the VCP-NV certification, simply register for and pass the VCPN610 exam.

3. You have a valid Cisco certification

If you have one of these four certifications and you’re reading this before 1st March 2015, you fit in here.

  • CCNA Data Center
  • CCNA Routing and Switching
  • CCNP Data Center
  • CCNP Routing and Switching

There are optional courses that you can take but to earn the VCP-NV certification, simply register for and pass the VCPN610 exam.

Exam Blueprint

As far as the VCPN610 exam itself goes, your first step is obtaining the exam blueprint from VMware. This can be found on VMware's certification page dedicated to the VCP-NV.

Depending on your comfort level, you can now either work through the exam topics by yourself, with colleagues, as part of a study group or make use of other online resources. One that I'll recommend now is the #vBrownbag EMEA webinar. There's a series starting tonight covering Objective 1 of the exam blueprint. Register via the link on the #vBrownbag website. (The webinars are recorded an usually available to watch offline later the same week as they are broadcast.)