home lab Installing SQUID on a Synology NAS I’m not going to go into exactly why (it’s a minor networking niggle following on from a change in broadband provider) but I wanted a simple HTTP proxy in my lab so that my lab VMs could get out on to the internet. Mostly for installing updates etc.
DS1513+ How to install IPKG on a Synology NAS Sometimes you want to install “community” or third party packages on your Synology NAS and they require IPKG (Itsy Package Management System) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipkg] to be present. Instruction about how to go about this seem to vary and are often specific for the CPU inside your
backup Installing Crashplan on ARM based QNAP The downside of living in the boonies [http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=boonies] in the UK is that the broadband speeds can be a little on the rubbish side. When I moved to my current house 4 years ago, I knew I'd be giving up good